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LET'S DO THIS!!! 30 day AB and squats challenge!!!

Are you ready to flatten your tummy and get a nice booty going on? Well I challenge you to a 30 day AB and squats challenge with me!!! I wil...

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Trip To Wyoming!

Sorry I haven't posted a while! I've been busy getting ready for our snowmobiling trip to Wyoming! We just got back On Sunday and boy was it an interesting weekend. We had truck problems and some other problems but the main thing is that we made it home safe. Here are some videos and pictures of our trip.

Well......We got home from work on Thursday, loaded the sleds and headed for Salt Lake City. A good 2 hour drive from my house. ON the way we hadto drop off the hunting dog and load one more sled on the trailer and away to Slt lake we went!! We got to my cousin's house ate drank some and then hit the hay!
We woke up the next day at the ass crack of Dawn... NO not the ass crack of my husband "Don" haha but at 4:30 am.. And headed off to Wyoming! We ended up getting up there around 9:30 ish and we headed up to the canyon to go ride!! The mountains were so beautiful and green it was a haven for snowmobilers.
We goofed off and hit some pretty wicked hills! ! A few people got stuck including my hubby lol.. it was a great day!  Next day we took off up to the snowmobile hill climbs. . Every time i would put my phone down I would miss a good wreck! Oh I was mad! But it was fun watching. .and drinking a bit lol.. before we left we were tinkering with my cousins truck  and  lie and behold a moose comes trotting  down the road!  Best experience ever! !

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Day 3 and Day 4 and day 5!!!

Day 3: YOU GOT THIS!!!!!!
60 squats
25 sit ups
10 crunches
10 leg raises
15 second plank
Day 4 is a rest day!!
Day 5:
70 squats
30 sit up
12 crunches
12 leg raises
20 second plank

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Day 2 ABS and squats challenge!!!

Okay my peeps!!! It's day 2!! you are probably feeling sore... but we are gunna keep pushing through!! Remember there is either results or excuses.. but not both!!!! YOU GOT THIS!!!! :)

  1. 55 squats
  2. 20 sit ups
  3. 8 crunches
  4. 8 leg raises
  5. 12 second plank!

Day 1 Abs and Squat challenge!!!!

  1.                                                           Ok day 1!!
You need to do 50 squats,
15 sit ups,
5 crunches,
5 leg raises,
and a 10 second plank!
You got this!!! this is only day 1!!!

LET'S DO THIS!!! 30 day AB and squats challenge!!!

Are you ready to flatten your tummy and get a nice booty going on? Well I challenge you to a 30 day AB and squats challenge with me!!! I will  post every day what you need to do!! Are you up for the challenge?  Don't be discouraged! I know you can do this!! I need you to take before pictures and after pictures for your reference. Every 5 days I will post my progress pictures!! and you are more than welcome to do the same!! I would love to see everyone getting involved and taking this seriously!! I'm not gunna lie I struggle sometimes, but you are not going to see results over night. But let me tell you.. you will definitely feel it!!! Now get ready go slim down for summer!! NOW....Show me your damn GGRRRR FACE and lets KICK SOME ASS!!!!

How to lose weight! My journey through weightloss!

So I have always been big since I got married to the hubby. I has struggled with weight loss as I was diagnosed with Bradycardia which is a slow heart beat. Because of this I have to work twice as hard to lose the weight.. Now I used the HCG injections which kick started my metabolism and I lost 30 lbs and I have kept this off. Now I am using a low carb diet to loose the additional 40-50 lbs. that I want to loose before I try and get pregnant. so if I gain some weight I will be ok. So the cool thing about this low carb diet is that you can eat whatever you want if its below the carbs you are allowed. I feel this has been better than counting calories and you kind of eat all day!!! So to find the true carb amount take the carbs and minus the dietary fiber from the carbs and that gives you the true carb count. At 7amto 8 am I eat breakfast which is 25-30 grams of carbs, 9-10 am eat a snack of 10-15 grams of carbs, 12-1pm eat 30-35 grams of carbs, eat a snack of 10-15 grams of carbs around 2-3pm, around 5-6pm eat 30-45 grams of carbs for dinner, and then have a snack of 10 or less grams of carbs for another snack... I have done this before and lost 15 lbs in 2 weeks. I just started this 4 days ago and have already lost 5 lbs!!!!! I could not be happier. You also want to stay hydrated which is very important. You are supposed to drink half of your body weight in ounces. So if you weigh 200 lbs you should be drinking 100 ounces of water! At first its hard but then it gets easier. In the summer you are supposed to drink half your body weight of water plus an additional pint if the heat is over 70-80 degrees. You shouldn't have to exercise to lose weight on this diet.. However, when  you do work out it dramatically helps with the pounds coming off!! Just think about it for a second.. 5 lbs  of fat is like a 5 lb sack of potatoes!!  I am also doing a 30 day abs and squats challenge.. Holy crap I'm only on day 2 but my legs, ass, stomach, and everything in between is sore.. ill post before and after picks of my journey!! I am hoping to be down 40 lbs by April or may!!! Hopefully this helps and I would love to see your weight loss journey as well!! Have a fantabulous day and never give up!!!

Wyoming Here we come!

Hey everyone,
So my cousin asked us to go on a trip to Wyoming to go snowmobiling and go to the hill climbs. So of course we say yes. No the journey to getting ready has been a beast!! Plus there was  some close calls. So the blog about my crazy weekend and my snowmobile having problems was just the beginning! We got mine fixed and my hubby thought he had his fixed an d we went out snowmobiling last weekend to go test them out. So it was a rough start to begin with it was snowing and we kinda left late. We got up there and got unloaded and my hubby went to start his and the pull rope wouldn't retract back into the block, so he couldn't shut his off.
We headed up there and the snow was beautiful. deep fresh virgin powder. We stated to break trail and my cousin's girlfriend kept getting stuck... Well we get up there further and it starts getting bad. One side of the trail in a cliff and the other side dips down into deeper powder..now the only way to get out of the deep side is to gun it and get back up in the middle.. So we get up there half way and she gets stuck again. so my cuz decided to go up a ways and turn around. well he takes off and has my goggles as his pair were horrible... well time goes by and he hasn't made it back down. At this point my hubby's sled started over heating because he couldn't shut it off she we get the 580 sled unstuck and turned around and I tell the hubby to go down and take my cuz's little boy and his Girl and id go up and find him. so they headed down and I headed up the mountain solo.. The snow started to pick up and I was blinded by this blizzard.. on top of that I couldn't see due to having crappy glasses... well the deep powder started  to pull me in and so I gunned it to get out as I was leaning to pull myself out I hit a bush or rock under the snow and it threw me to the other side of the sled and I biffed it and ate snow.... As I get done digging the snow out of the helmet I realized my sled is on its side. So I gunned it again to try and get out by it was no use as it was buried. I realized there was no way of getting my sled out by myself so I sat there had a couple smokes and I happened to look up the road and here comes my cuz walking don the mountain. I was so glad to see him!!! And the feeling was the same for him. I told him when I got to him that he looked like he needed a smoke and he was excited to know that I had a lighter. After he had been up the canyon stuck with smokes but no lighter he walked down about a mile to me. As we sit there trying to figure out how we were going to get out, we remembered I had a wrench under my hood... Well he dug out my track and we got out!!! We started to head down the mountain in order  to get help to get his sled. About halfway down we see his girl stuck again. But this time the 580 was so wet from the powder it did not want to start. so I told him to take her back down and come back for me as it was getting late.. and I know what needs to be done in a situation like that. He heads down.. Now it starts getting late and the dark starts to roll in.. My thought was there  is mt. lions up here probably hungry, I have no heat, no running sled and no weapon... So I rounded up a bunch of sticks and started a fire.. luckily there was a can of starting fluid in the 580 that I used as a weapon.. I got a long stick, sprayed the end of it as it was a bit wet and use the can of starting fluid as a make shift flame thrower.. haha I felt much safer knowing I could burn the face off of anything that tried to eat me .  Well after it was dark my cuz came back up and got me and we headed down the mountain.. we ended  up running into my dad and hubby. Apparently the hubby ran down the canyon to my dads and got him to come look for me. I do have the best family in the world. Needless to say we ended up going to get the sleds the next day and it took all day to get 2 sleds down. After this hiccup with my hubby's sled he ended up buying anew sled about 3 days later  lol.. its not my fault my sled runs better than his. We still have about a month to get ready for this trip and  of course ill post pictures!! Stay tuned!