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LET'S DO THIS!!! 30 day AB and squats challenge!!!

Are you ready to flatten your tummy and get a nice booty going on? Well I challenge you to a 30 day AB and squats challenge with me!!! I wil...

Monday, December 14, 2015

My crazy weekend!!

Hello my Peeps,
So this weekend was crazy!! I got off of work Friday night and got a call from my cousin (Stephen) saying he was on his way down to hang out. He has the cutest little kid monster ever ( JJ). Every time my cuz comes down his kid always has some new saying which is always hilarious. This time he was calling everyone homes. Like “What up homes!” funniest thing ever! Last time it was “Dees nuts” lol.
My cousin drives 2 hours and gets to my house at like 10:30 and then we decide to go to a Royal Bliss concert another 30 miles away. It was so foggy I thought I was going to either hit an elk or a Deer, but thankfully that didn’t happen. So we party, dance, and sing until like 1am. Then we started the long journey home… still foggy as hell! I was waiting for ghosts, zombies, or some crap like that to come out of the fog lol. We get to a small town and the fog clears….and I see this shadow coming across the street and I’m straining to see what it could be. I’m already freaked out by the Fog and I think it’s like a ghost or something, but as I got closer what I seen was a beautiful sight... Coming out from the shadows of the fog it this pretty little 2 point buck! And as I taken by the beauty of this animal, my thoughts were…”where in the hell have you been hiding? Where were you during bow season!” lol. Guess that’s the hunter in me haha.
We then go to my other cousin around the corner from my house and played Texas hold em’. Let’s just say that I was feeling lucky that night and won almost every round, but I took all their money away! ( So it was a pretty good night. The next morning however was not so good… ( as the hangover kicked in an no amount of coffee or Ibuprofen could cure it.
Once I finally was almost myself Stephen and his little heathen JJ decided they were going to have a snowball fight... And I was not going to miss it for anything.  I TRIED to play Switzerland but my cuz thought it would be funny to throw a fresh powdery snow ball at my face but it hit my neck instead and went all down my PJ’s. I went to kick some snow at him… forgetting I had slip on shoes I kicked so hard that my shoe flew off and almost hit him in the head ha ha. ( So I hopped over to my shoe and ran into the house cause I know another hunk of snow was coming. After declaring a truce Stephen and JJ kept throwing snow. Well…. Stephen hid behind the house and I was talking with JJ. Well as JJ turned to tell me something... out of nowhere comes this big ball of powder and hits JJ on the side of the face. Apparently Stephen threw the snowball not knowing where we were except for hearing us talk and made a perfect hit lol… and JJ was mad.
We went to my parents’ house after my hubby got off of work and had a really fun night, karaoke, dancing, with a little bit of liquid courage! ( Woke up the next day and worked on our snowmobiles and took off up the mountain to go sledding. Well my uncle decided to go with us and… well let’s just say he is a sled virgin lol. Didn’t really know what he was doing... cause he is a city boy all the way. My dad just got me a new sled and I’ve had some bumps with it but I thought I finally got it running healthy.
So we buzz up the canyon like a bat out of hell and we get to the top and I wait for my uncle so he knows where we are going. Well in the meantime I started to smell something burning and smoke started to come out through the vents in my hood, so I used my common sense and shut the engine off.  As I do I hear the sled that my uncle is riding and it sounds like it is getting further away… Ha ha and all I could hear is him cursing up a storm. Finally he shut the sled off and I hollered for him and at that time my hubby and cuz was up ahead waiting for us and heard me holler too.. Well they came back cause I wasn’t goin’ anywhere as my belt shaft locked up so I was a sittin’ duck. They get to me and I tell Stephen to go get my uncle and then my husband started working on my sled. Come to find out… the ventilator hose caught on fire and burnt my hose completely and my pull rope to start my sled. While my hubby is checkin’ out my sled my cousin comes back and my uncle is shaking and my cousin in covered in snow…. Apparently while he was coming back up the hillside he caught something and my cuz ended up rolling his sled. He threw his boy off cause he ended up getting his foot caught and the sled rolled over on top of him... No damage to him, but the sled’s windshield broke.  We had to wrap a homemade starter around the belt block and pull hard in order to get mine started again, but once I did I hauled down the mountain side….. Come to find out I HAD NO BRAKES!!!! So I had to maneuver my way through rocky cliffs and trees all the way down. So when my hubby gets to the trailers I told him, “hey, by the way… I have no brakes”. His response lol “Oh ya, I knew that before we left. But I knew you could handle it babe”… what a Turd!!! Apparently he doesn’t have brakes either ha ha.

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