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LET'S DO THIS!!! 30 day AB and squats challenge!!!

Are you ready to flatten your tummy and get a nice booty going on? Well I challenge you to a 30 day AB and squats challenge with me!!! I wil...

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

For the love of trucks!!!

      I have always been a lover for big loud trucks and since I was a little kid I've had an obsession with monster trucks. I remember the used to have mud bogs in Moroni, UT. Every year we would go out and watch the trucks play in the mud.

 Every year me and my cousin would sneak into the pit and get the autographs of every monster truck driver possible. I would buy a checkered flag every year and make sure I got some autographs. At this time monster trucks was just starting to become a thing and I got the pleasure of meeting bigfoot, miss mischievous, grave digger ( which is my all time favorite) mini grave digger, Goldberg, blue thunder and few other trucks. Some made it in the big time and some didn't.

       It was the first year they created mini grave digger I had snuck into the pit to get some autographs. Well I started talking with the driver of mini GD as Dennis was preoccupied with his own. I expressed my love for Grave Digger (GD) and he told me to hop on the side and we drove out to the arena where mini GD made it's appearance. Let me just say my mom and dad's faces were priceless.... Well I got an butt chewing after I came back! But it was worth it!! I actually got aa chance to sit in mini GD.... can I just say I could have died happy at that moment!

    Well the years went by and the Mud Bog finally put on its final show. So for years I didn't have the chance to see another monster truck in person for a while. Then my hubby decided to take me to Monster Jam!!! Woo Woo was I excited. We didn't get pit passes, but I did however get an autographed Cigarette pack from Mohawk Warrior!! OUT OF PURE LUCK!! He can up and gave his shirt to a kid right in front of me.... that was my chance. I always carry a marker with me and I grabbed the first thing in my pocket!!! and walah! An autograph that I can add to my collection!.

The best part is I was able to see my hero drive!

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